Façade Grant
For Downtown Main Street Wayland Businesses.
It is a fundamental goal of the Wayland City Council and the Wayland Downtown Development Authority (DDA) to promote economic growth and vitality in the downtown. To that end, the Wayland Downtown Façade Improvement Program has been created to encourage business and property owners to improve and maintain building facades as a means to facilitate economic activity and promote a positive image of downtown.
Source of Funding
The program is sponsored by the Downtown Development Authority. The source of funding for the program is tax increment financing revenue made available under Michigan Public Act 197 of 1975 and Ordinance No. 119 as adopted by the Wayland City Council in November, 1988. Annual funding allocations for the program are recommended by the DDA for approval by the City Council. The programs described herein are contingent upon availability of budgeted funds.
Type of Financing Available
Financial assistance is available in the form of a reimbursement to the property owner/applicant after work is completed. A single distribution of funds will occur per applicant once work is complete. Two programs are available:
Paint Only. The property owner or tenant may be reimbursed for the cost of paint and labor on a 50/50 basis up to a maximum reimbursement of $3,000.
Rehabilitation. Grants of up to $20,000 per facade are available for eligible activities. Applicants must provide a minimum twenty percent (20%) match of the total project cost. The minimum grant allowable for any project is $1,000.
What businesses can apply?
A property must be located within the boundaries of the DDA district.
Tenants are eligible, they must provide written proof that the building owner has authorized the proposed improvements and evidence of an executed lease for a term equal to the Façade Improvement Agreement.
Property tax and City utility payments must be current. The applicant shall not be in any other default to the City nor involved in any other litigation with the DDA or City.
Work must be performed by licensed and insured contractors.
If your business meets the requirements list above click HERE for an application worksheet